Is Pepperoni Beef Or Pork?
Quick Answer
Most types of pepperoni are made from a mixture of beef and pork. However, there are beef-only and turkey variants available too. In the U.S., pork pepperoni is the most commonly used.
Read on for more detail
Pepperoni is a pizza’s best friend, adding a zingy, meaty flavor to our favorite party food! But have you ever thought about what is actually in pepperoni?
Is this delicious thinly sliced sausage made from pork, beef, or something else entirely?
So, is pepperoni sausage made from beef or pork? Most types of pepperonis are made from a mixture of beef and pork. However, you can also get pepperoni that is made purely from beef, and you may also come across turkey pepperoni.
Let’s delve into the world of pepperoni and find out all about this delightful salami sausage!
What Is Pepperoni?
Pepperoni is a type of salami; a dried, cured sausage. These are very different from the types of sausage that you would cook on the barbeque, as they are made with the intention of storing them for very long periods of time.
A pepperoni sausage consists of a blend of finely ground meat, flavored with a delicate blend of spices, seasonings, and herbs. This is formed into a sausage, traditionally held in a casing made from animal intestines.
The pepperoni sausage is not cooked but instead cured. This is a process that preserves meat so it can be stored for longer. It is also commonplace to smoke the pepperoni sausage, to add flavor and also act as a preservative.
In appearance, pepperoni is quite a thick sausage, with a deep red color. It is firm to touch and should slice easily without crumbling or falling apart.
You can buy pepperoni sausage either whole or pre-sliced, and it is normally available in most grocery stores and delicatessens.
Where Is Pepperoni From?
Most people would automatically assume that pepperoni comes from Italy. After all, this Mediterranean country is the home of salami, right?
Wrong! Although the Italians were the connoisseurs of preserved meats, there is no Italian salami called pepperoni. It is believed that pepperoni is an American invention, from the early 1900s.
It was around this time that Italian food became much more popular in America, with pizzerias beginning to appear. This would tie in with the fact that pepperoni is still one of the most popular pizza toppings in the U.S!
But although the humble pepperoni sausage may not have Italian roots, we can trace its name back to Italy. The word pepperoni stems from ‘peperoni’, the Italian name for bell peppers.
However, our American version is more reminiscent of spicy peppercorns rather than salad pepper fruits!
What Is Pepperoni Used For?
There can’t be many people out there who don’t know that pepperoni is a popular pizza topping! A pepperoni pizza is a sheer delight, especially nestled on a thin and crispy base topped with tomato and cheese.
Pepperoni is also often used in combination with other pizza toppings, such as a meat feast or four seasons pizza.
Interestingly, the thickness of the pepperoni affects the way it behaves when cooked on a pizza! A thin slice of pepperoni will lay flat on a pizza, and any oil that leaks from the sausage will spread across the surface of the pizza.
Pizza connoisseurs will tell you that the ideal thickness of the pepperoni slice will crisp and curl upwards around the edges, creating a cup shape.
This holds the oil from the pepperoni, giving a soft center to the sausage topping. This type of pepperoni even has its own name – cup char pepperoni!
Pepperoni is also a great addition to a cold meat platter. This zingy sausage meat pairs well with cheese and pickles and is popular as a starter or antipasto.
Pepperoni is also available as individual thin sausage sticks, perfect for when you want a snack!
This versatile sausage can also be used in cooked foods, such as toasted sandwiches and wraps. Normally served in slices, you can also grate or dice this salami sausage to meet the requirements of your recipe.
Pepperoni prepared in this way is the perfect addition to any eggy dish, such as an omelet or scrambled eggs.
What Does Pepperoni Taste Like?
The pepperoni sausage has a strong and intense flavor, which is why it is normally served in very thin slices.
It is also quite chewy, so thinner sections are easier to eat. This is a thick and meaty cured sausage, not for the faint-hearted!
Pepperoni sausage can be made with many different spice blends, but most of them will contain paprika and garlic.
They are also often seasoned with peppers, fennel, mustard seeds, or aniseed. Pepperoni is also heavily salted and normally contains some sugar as well.
The flavor of pepperoni is best described as salty and slightly spicy meat – imagine smoked beef combined with salt and freshly ground black peppercorns, and you’ll be pretty close!
How Is Pepperoni Made?
If you’ve never come across the process for making cured meats, this is fascinating stuff! People have been curing meats for many centuries, creating a way to preserve meats for longer without the need for refrigerators or freezers.
In fact, curing was pretty much essential when a cow or pig was butchered, which is why we have so many incredible cured meats available nowadays!
Pepperoni Sausage Making
To make pepperoni, the meat is very finely chopped or minced. As with all sausage mixtures, the right cuts of meat are essential, as is the meat-to-fat ratio.
For the perfect pepperoni, an artisan sausage maker will aim for 70 percent lean meat to 30 percent fat. These should be minced to create ground meat of around 2 to 3 millimeters in diameter – this is precision sausage making!
A blend of spices is then mixed in – normally garlic and paprika, plus other regional variations. Sugar is also added, plus sodium nitrate.
Sodium nitrate is a salt-based curing agent that blocks the growth of bacteria, as well as giving flavor to the cured meat. The sugar is also vital for the curing process, as it helps fermentation and keeps the acidity of the mixture low.
This mixture is kept chilled for several days, then packed into sausage casings. The meaty mixture is packed firmly, creating a dense, thick, u-shaped sausage.
The ends of the sausage are tied off with string, and each end is tied together to enable the sausage to be hung from a curing hook.
Pepperoni Sausage Fermentation
These stuffed sausages are then left to ferment for several days.
This simply means that they are hung in a room at the perfect temperature for fermentation to take place, driving moisture from the meat and turning the carbohydrates into alcohol or acids.
In some instances, lactic acid bacteria are injected into the pepperoni to speed up fermentation. This might sound odd, but this is the same bacteria that we try to create when we make a sourdough starter!
This process, along with the sodium nitrate, keeps bacterial growth at bay. The aim is to create perfectly dry meat, without any residual bacteria.
Pepperoni Sausage Smoking
The final stage is to smoke the pepperoni. This helps to add flavor, and also works to preserve the meat for longer.
(By the way, we think whoever figured all this stuff out must be an absolute genius!)
Smoking involves hanging the pepperoni sausages in a room or cabinet filled with wood smoke.
This can take anything from a few days to a few weeks, and generally, it is believed that the slower it is done the better the sausage will be.
Traditionally, pepperoni sausages are smoked over maple and hickory chips. After this, they are transferred to a drying room and left to hang until they mature.
Pepperoni Sausage Storage
The eagle-eyed amongst you may have noticed something incredible about this whole process: at no point whatsoever is the meat cooked!
Yes, pepperoni is technically a sausage made from uncooked meat, but the complex curing process makes it perfectly safe to eat.
Curing also means that the pepperoni sausage can be safely stored for long periods of time, without the use of a refrigerator.
Traditionally they would have been hung from the rafters of a barn or porch roof, and only taken down after a few months.
These days, it is more likely that you will find your pepperoni ready-sliced in the grocery store! But if you can, try buying freshly sliced pepperoni from your local delicatessen – the difference in taste will blow you away!
Is Pepperoni Pork?
So, now down to the burning question of the day – what type of meat is pepperoni made from?
And the answer is…it depends on the type of pepperoni!
Most pepperoni that you buy from the delicatessen or grocery store will normally contain pork meat. In America, pork pepperoni is the most commonly available type.
Pork meat has the perfect meat-to-fat ratio for making pepperoni and grinds up well to create the ideal texture.
But the story doesn’t end there! There are no hard and fast rules about what types of meat can be used to make pepperoni. This means that your pepperoni may not contain just pork, and could be a blend of other meats as well.
Is Pepperoni Made From Beef?
After pork, the most popular meat ingredient for pepperoni sausages is beef. This is because beef has a rich and intense flavor, which pairs well with the spices used in pepperoni sausage.
The most common way in which beef is used in pepperoni is as a blend of pork and beef. Some salami connoisseurs maintain that this is the perfect mixture to create pepperoni, and we are inclined to agree!
Beef can also be used to make pepperoni without the addition of pork. Pepperoni sausage which is made from 100% beef must be labeled as “beef pepperoni” in the U.S.
Beef pepperoni has a rich and intense flavor and is slightly denser in texture than pork or pork and beef pepperoni. We’d definitely recommend trying this delicacy if you see it on sale at your local store!
What Other Types Of Pepperoni Are There?
People with specific dietary requirements may not be able to eat beef or pork pepperoni, but luckily there are some great alternatives available.
One of these is turkey pepperoni. This is normally made with the dark meat of this flavorsome bird and is considered to be a healthier alternative to pork or beef pepperoni.
The flavor of turkey pepperoni is very similar to pork or beef sausage, thanks to the mix of spices and seasonings used.
But whilst it is true that turkey pepperoni has around half the fat and calories per slice to its meaty counterparts, this doesn’t mean that you should throw caution to the wind and eat the whole pack!
Like most processed meats, turkey pepperoni is still very high in fat and also contains high levels of salt.
If you’re a fan of deer meat, then venison pepperoni is a gourmet delicacy that you should definitely try! However, it is not widely available, so you may need to order it from an online specialist delicatessen.
For people following a vegan or vegetarian diet, or those trying to reduce their meat intake, then it is possible to find plant-based pepperoni. Good news if you’re sick of boring vegetarian pizzas!
The ingredients used to make a plant-based pepperoni vary widely, but they are normally based on soy protein, wheat gluten, beans, and vegetables.
These are blended together to make a surprisingly realistic sausage! The same spices and seasonings are used as in meat pepperoni, resulting in a meat-free pepperoni that tastes just like the real thing.
If you are following a gluten-free diet then pepperoni made the traditional way should be free from gluten.
However, modern-day techniques may mean that binding agents containing gluten have been used, so check the packaging carefully. Plant-based pepperoni almost always contains gluten.
For people who have been advised to reduce their salt intake, it is also possible to get a low-sodium pepperoni. However, these are still much higher in salt than unprocessed meats, so stick to small amounts of this delicious sausage!
Related Questions
Now that we’ve gone over which meats make up pepperoni, let’s take a look at a few related questions on the subject!
Can you freeze pepperoni?
As we have discovered, pepperoni is a cured meat. This means that it is naturally preserved, and will stay fresh and perfectly edible for a long time.
However, nothing lasts forever, and over time pepperoni can start to deteriorate. This normally happens if the pepperoni is exposed to air, heat, or light, and the fat will become rancid and taint the meat.
Pepperoni can be frozen either as an entire sausage, chunks of sausage, or sliced. Choose whichever form best suits your needs. For example, slices of pepperoni straight from the freezer are perfect for garnishing a pizza!
However you choose to freeze your pepperoni, make sure it is tightly sealed in an airtight bag or container.
Here’s a great little pepperoni trick for you: if you want to grate pepperoni, then freezing it first makes this task so much easier!
Is pepperoni red meat?
Many nutritionists advise that we should moderate our red meat consumption, but sometimes it can be difficult to work out which meat products are considered to be red! So what about pepperoni? Is this classified as red meat?
Any meat products that contain meat from livestock, such as beef, lamb, and pork, are red meat.
White meats are those that come from poultry and fish. So, although pork might be paler in color than beef and lamb, it is still classed as red meat.
As most traditional pepperoni sausages contain beef and pork, they are considered to be a red meat product. However, if you come across turkey pepperoni, this is white meat.
Up Next: How To Tell If Sausage Is Bad