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Can You Eat Raw Peas?

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Peas are highly nutritious and can be cooked in several ways. They are perhaps one of the most popular foods around the world and their presence can be found in nearly every cuisine!

When cooked, they provide a delicious earthy and slightly sweet flavor. They are also commonly said to taste like spring! But how does the flavor of cooked peas stack against uncooked peas?

Can you eat raw peas? Most varieties of peas are generally safe to eat raw. Raw English peas, for example, have a sweet and earthy flavor while snow peas can be a bit bitter. Several visual characteristics can help you determine their species and in turn, their bitterness or sweetness too. 

Read below to learn more about different types of peas, how they taste raw, and some of the best ways you can use them in different recipes!

Varieties Of Raw Peas

Peas are known to be annual plants that take about a full year to grow and harvest. They are available all around the world and are popular in many cuisines too. 

With several varieties available in different regions, you can find different tasting peas with varying characteristics.

Usually, peas are known to be small and are contained within a pod. The pod can host up to 3-5 peas and depending on their type, they can either be sweet or taste like spring.

Some peas, like the Snow Pea variety, can also be eaten whole, with the seeds and the pod!

This species is eaten when unripe and provides a very mellow and earthy flavor but can also be bitter depending on environmental conditions such as inadequate watering, or improper harvesting. 

The pods of snow peas are known to have thin walls and are flatter. They are mostly found in the Asian subcontinent and are a staple in many regions! 

Perhaps the best way to consume peas is to cook them in oil or boil them in water. Generally, any type of heat source is acceptable to tenderize the peas and to make them less bitter

Remember, eating raw peas is more of a personal preference than the norm, as you can cook them however you like.

Raw peas can be added to salads, rice, and other dishes without cooking them or they can be cooked along with other ingredients too

They offer a satisfying bite and a subtly sweet and spring-like flavor. The texture of raw peas is known to be very smooth. Since they retain moisture, the peas will have an unwrinkled exterior and a shine to them. 

The pods themselves can either be bright green or dark green depending on how old or young the peas are. 

For example, in contrast to snow peas, English Peas are known to have a vivid green color with thick pod walls and a rounded pod shape.

These peas can be eaten raw and have a very balanced flavor. Snap peas are also similar but unlike English peas, their shell is consumable too! 

Is It Safe To Eat Raw Peas?

Small quantities of raw peas can be eaten without adverse consequences. Snap peas are a great example as many people eat them raw all the time.

However, there are a few things that you must keep in mind when considering eating peas raw. 

Just like other plants and fruits, pea pods are subject to rot and other plant illnesses. They can catch all types of fungal diseases that can alter their flavor, nutrition, appearance, and texture

To counter this issue and for a more consistent harvest, farmers will use pesticides and other chemicals to keep the pods safe.

The use of these chemicals is a separate debate but the consensus is that it is considered to be a necessary evil to protect the plant and to keep up with demand and supply. 

This is why when you bring the pods home, you need to make sure that they are properly washed and stored. Washing the pods will remove any excess dirt and will keep the pods hydrated

Don’t store them wet though! Always dry the pods using a paper towel before storing them in the fridge.

This will help keep the peas fresh and sweet. Improperly stored pods can go bad and will adversely affect the flavor of the peas too. 

Also, it is important to note that while most peas can be eaten raw and are completely safe to eat, some people still dislike the taste of raw peas and can even have stomach problems.

Another point of concern with peas is that some varieties are also genetically modified.

There is an ongoing debate about the use of GMO plants and fruits and their effect on human health. This concern has spawned a separate industry and demand for non-GMO peas. 

If this concerns you then we highly recommend that you shop for all-natural peas. While they might not differ in flavor, the peace of mind that they bring is welcomed.

Raw Peas Vs. Cooked Peas

Let’s take a look at the differences between raw and cooked peas. Remember, while raw peas are generally sweet and earthy, some varieties can also be bitter, and the perfect way to get rid of their bitterness is to cook them! 

Here are some characteristics of raw and cooked peas:


As stated, raw peas have a smooth, rounded, and plump texture but when you cook them, they can look a bit different! 

Cooked peas have an almost hexagonal exterior. This happens as the peas lose moisture and begin to shrivel. This gives them a rough texture but can also make them extremely delicious, especially when fried! 


Cooked peas have more of a plant-like flavor that is hard to describe but most people find it to be very pleasant, earthy, and spring-like

The flavor of cooked peas doesn’t deviate much from raw peas but cooking them does lessen the bitterness of unripe peas and brings out their sweetness. Depending on how you cook them, the peas will take on a lot of different flavors. 

For example, English peas are known to become a bit sweeter and have a butter-like tenderness too. This makes them great for cooking pea soups and other delicious recipes! 

Fresh Raw Peas Vs. Canned Peas

Raw peas and canned peas are different things. For one, canned peas are pre-cooked and submerged in a salty brine to keep them fresh and flavorful

Canned peas can be found in most supermarkets and there are several varieties of them. You can also browse through different species of peas too.

The canning process requires the peas to be half-cooked and to be added to a liquid for heat transfer. 

While canned peas are considered safe to eat, it is still a good practice to wash them and then further cook them with food. You can also check the back of the packaging for more information on how to use canned peas. 

Both raw and canned peas can be used interchangeably in recipes.

However, you must consider using small quantities of raw peas in dishes because, as explained above, raw peas can contain certain proteins that may affect digestion

In summary, while raw peas are completely safe to eat and have a sweet and spring-like flavor, it is always a good idea to cook them using any cooking method.

They usually take just 3-5 minutes to cook on the pan and can be mixed and cooked along with other ingredients in the oven too. 

Related Questions

Peas are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. They are prized for their use in different cuisines and can add a lot of texture, vibrancy, and flavor to dishes too, regardless of whether you use them raw or cooked!

Now that you know all about raw peas, here are a few related questions:

What is the best way to cook raw peas?

There are two methods of cooking raw peas. The first method involves boiling them in water for about 3-4 minutes or until they become tender. The second-best way to cook peas is to sauté them in cooking oil

4-5 minutes on medium heat with a dash of olive oil should be more than enough to cook the peas and to enhance their flavor! 

Are smaller peas sweeter than larger ones?

The size of pea pods and peas depends on the species and age. For example, larger peas are known to come from more mature plants. These larger peas have a tough exterior and can be quite firm compared to their smaller counterparts. 

Generally speaking, small to medium-sized peas with a soft exterior are usually the sweetest but you can get more or less the same flavor (regardless of age and type) if you cook the peas using any heating method. 

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