coffee filter in an air fryer

Can You Use a Coffee Filter in an Air Fryer?

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Since air fryers became mainstream, people have found new and inventive ways to use this multi-functional appliance.

From how to dehydrate, how to roast, how to toast, and now, different kinds of linings to use for protecting the non-stick coating on the basket!

So today we ask, can you use a coffee filter in an air frying basket? It is possible. And a much more eco-friendly and budget-friendly alternative to pre-cut parchment lines. And they work just as well!

In this guide, we will explain exactly how they work and which types of filters to use. We will also look at the best way to use a coffee filter in an air fryer, and we’ve provided some expert tips for this process from start to finish.

Why Would You Want to Use Coffee Filters in an Air Fryer?

This is still one of the most asked air-fryer-related questions out there: can you use a coffee filter as a liner for your air-frying basket?

But why exactly is this a question? What’s its purpose? And is there a real benefit to the answer?

Now, if you have an air fryer, you know the mess that awaits you inside. Because the appliance works so well at circulating extremely high heat, any drippings, sauces, spices, or juices caramelize instantly. And that’s all you hope for.

Because if left for too long, those delicious caramelized pieces become burnt to a crisp!

It’s an extremely messy cleaning process that can even take up a lot of your time. And, what’s worse, it completely ruins the non-stick coating on the air frying basket.

For this reason, many people started using these air-fryer liners. There are a couple of different designs for these. You can either buy fitted sheets like these or cup-liners like these. And if you are looking for something reusable, you can find silicone liners as well!

Here’s the problem though: they are expensive, not that easy to find, you have to buy a size that perfectly fits your air-fryer model, and they take some time to be delivered because they aren’t always sold in stores.

It’s often more effort than it’s worth! For that reason, people started looking into more accessible and affordable alternatives. And that’s how we got here.

Can You Use a Coffee Filter in an Air Fryer?

So, is it possible to use a coffee filter as a non-stick liner inside an air fryer?

The short answer is yes. The longer answer: there is a specific way to do it. Otherwise, you won’t get the best results.

But first, how does this work? After all, coffee filters are in no way made to be non-stick. So how can they function in a similar way to non-stick liners or even simply parchment paper?

Well, coffee filters are usually made from either paper or cloth. The cloth options are reusable. But they will not work well for today’s function. In an air fryer, you should only use the paper coffee filter options.

These types of filters are made to trap the coffee grounds and let the brewed liquid pass through. In the same way, you can use these filters to help trap any thick sauces, spices, or crumbs that will stick to the basket and burn.

This will allow you to simply pick up the filter, toss it aside, and give your basket a gentle and simple wash.

Benefits of Using Coffee Filters

Obviously, the biggest benefit to using coffee filters in an air fryer is that they prevent the food from sticking to the basket and juices and sauces from burning right against the non-stick surface.

coffee filters

But other than that, many things make coffee filters a better option than actual liners, aluminum foil, parchment paper, or silicone molds.

First of all, they are super cheap. They are also much easier to find than real liners for air-frying baskets. Almost all stores will have some form of paper coffee filter in stock. And you get different sizes as well!

Next, the paper filter will help absorb oil from the food. This makes the item less oily, which reduces the overall number of calories.

These filters are also (usually) completely biodegradable, making them a better option than something like foil or a plastic-based liner.

And even better yet, you can use the previously used filters. Simply rinse them out under warm water. They will be completely clean, just discolored. This way, you are being even more environmentally friendly!

Won’t the Filter Catch Alight?

Some people claim that their coffee filters have actually burnt in air fryers. Personally, we’ve never had this problem, and it’s a trick we use all the time!

That being said, it may have to do with the type (brand) of coffee filters you use. Some may be made from a flammable material combination that cannot withstand frying temperatures.

If you are ever unsure about the product filters are using, you can either dive deep into Google to find an answer, call the company and ask about the ignition temperature, or test it yourself.

Don’t worry too much about it though. As we’ve said, we’ve done it many times with different brands of filters, and nothing has ever happened. You can even check out the numerous videos where people demonstrate how it works and that it works.

How to Use a Coffee Filter in an Air Fryer

As we’ve mentioned, there is a specific way you have to prepare and use a coffee filter in an air fryer. It’s not a super time-consuming process but does take time, nevertheless.

coffee filter in an air fryer

But, keep in mind, that this will STILL take less time than buying pre-made non-stick sheets. And it will cost you less money, especially if you’ve already used them.


1. First, cut out the shape of the basket. Depending on the size of the filter you are using, you may need to cut it a little smaller so that it fits into the air-fryer basket. You can also just let the edges fold up the sides of the basket. If your filters are super small, you can also use multiple.

2. Next, make some holes in the filter. These will help the air circulate in the fryer so the item can still cook quickly and evenly. This step is CRUCIAL to getting the same cooking effect as without the filter.

If you don’t cut holes in the filter, the item can cook unevenly, won’t crisp up beautifully, and will have an uneven color.

3. Third, place the homemade liner inside the air-frying basket. Preheat the air-fryer as per usual. This is usually where you will already see if the filter can handle the heat or not. If it scorches, your brand isn’t suitable for this function.

4. Add the food and leave it to cook. Make sure to position the food directly onto the filter. Leave the items to cook. Once finished, simply remove the coffee filter and toss it out. Then, you can easily clean the frying basket without having to scrub or use harsh chemical cleaners.

Tips for Using Coffee Filters

You should only use coffee filters in an air fryer once. There are a couple of reasons for this.

First, it prevents cross-contamination, which can cause serious food poisoning. Secondly, if you leave an old dirty filter out, the bacteria on it will multiply and be transferred to the new food items.

The filter will also become quite oily. The problem with reusing an oil-soaked filter is that the ignition temperature of that oil has reduced significantly after the first use. So, during the second use, it may ignite.

Finally, an oil-soaked filter makes your food less healthy. It transfers old oil to new food and won’t keep absorbing it like it’s supposed to.

Another handy tip for using coffee filters is that you should ensure your filter (and food item) is placed properly. We’ve already explained the importance of cutting some holes in the filter.

But you should also make sure it covers the entire bottom of the basket. It’s the only real way to protect it from burnt juices and oils.

Related Questions

What Types of Food Should not be Used in an Air-Fryer?

Some food cannot be cooked in air fryers. And unfortunately, using a coffee filter won’t make it possible.

This includes battered foods (it will simply run off the item before it has been cooked), cheese, popcorn, grains and pulses, and whole meat roasts.

Can I Use Aluminum Foil Inside an Air Fryer?

This material is safe to use within an air-fryer. It’s the same as using it in an oven. Remember, an air-fryer doesn’t work with electromagnetic waves which cause metals to spark like in microwaves. So, you can safely use foil in an air fryer as a liner. Remember to still cut some holes in the bottom.

Can You Place a Bowl in an Air Fryer?

You can, but only if it is an oven-safe bowl. It can be made from any material like metal, silicone, ceramic, or glass. The big problem you may face with this is whether the bowl fits inside the basket.

One Comment

  1. Thank you so much for all the great info for a newbie air fryer person! I learned a lot I can put to use right away!

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