Do Watermelons Float? If So, Why and What Does It Mean?
Watermelons are summer’s quintessential fruit, often the highlight in many outdoor events and gatherings. With its deliciously sweet taste and juicy texture, it’s no wonder why watermelons are a top favorite among many people.
However, many are left wondering if these fruits are buoyant enough to float, especially if you’re considering throwing one in the pool.
Do watermelons float? Watermelons do float, and it’s mostly due to their high water content and their shape. Whether a watermelon floats is also a good indication of its ripeness.
In this blog post, we’ll be discussing whether watermelons float or not and the scientific explanation behind it.
Do Watermelons Float?
Have you ever tried floating a watermelon in your pool? If not, we’ll save you the time and tell you that they do indeed float!
That’s because watermelons are mostly water, which gives them enough buoyancy to stay afloat in water. Moreover, their shape makes them ideal floatation devices, as they have an oval, spherical shape that creates a high enough waterline to support their weight.
Interestingly, watermelons, like most fruits, have a density that’s less than water. This means that if you place a watermelon in a bowl of water, it will float. Conversely, if you placed a watermelon in a bowl of denser liquids such as syrup or honey, it would sink.
This is due to Archimedes’ principle, which states that an object will float in water if its weight is less than the weight of the water it displaces.
So, now that we know that watermelons float, what are the benefits of throwing one in the pool?
For starters, it can add a fun and unique experience to your pool party. Besides, watermelons are the perfect refreshment on a hot summer day. Not to mention, as watermelons float, you can use them as a convenient place to store your drinks while you’re swimming.
But before you decide to throw a watermelon in your pool, keep in mind that it can attract insects if left floating for too long and may even make the water sticky.
Therefore, it’s best to limit the time a watermelon spends in a swimming pool and ensure proper cleaning of the pool afterward.
What Does It Mean When a Watermelon Floats?
Watermelons are mostly made up of water, and their density can affect whether they sink or float. When a watermelon is fully ripe, it tends to be more buoyant than when it is under-ripe.
The denser the watermelon, the more it will sink, while the less dense it is, the more it will float. If the watermelon is too dense, it may be a sign that it is not ripe or overripe. Therefore, a floating watermelon could be an indicator of the fruit’s ripeness.
Another reason why watermelons can float is that they have air pockets. When watermelons grow, they are supported by vines that allow for space between the fruit and the ground. The air pockets that develop inside the fruit during this process can cause it to float.
However, it is important to note that excessive air pockets could be a bad sign, as they can also indicate rotting or spoilage. Therefore, it’s crucial to examine the watermelon thoroughly before deciding whether it’s good or bad.
Watermelon floats can also indicate waterlogging. If a watermelon has been exposed to a lot of rain or has been overwatered, it might contain too much water, causing it to float.
Waterlogging, however, can cause the watermelon to be less sweet and juicy. It’s best to avoid waterlogged watermelons, as they can also lead to health concerns, such as mold formation.
Lastly, a floating watermelon can indicate imbalances in the soil. If the soil is lacking in nutrients or is too acidic or alkaline, it can affect the quality of the fruit and lead to floating. Therefore, it’s essential to grow watermelons in well-balanced soil to avoid issues with floating.
What Does It Mean When a Watermelon Sinks?
The sinking method is a quick and easy way to determine which watermelon is ripe and ready to eat. It involves placing the watermelon in a container or a bucket of water and observing whether it sinks to the bottom or floats.
A ripe watermelon should sink to the bottom, which indicates that it has high water content and is ready to be enjoyed. On the other hand, an under-ripe or overripe watermelon will float to the top.
So what’s the scientific explanation behind this? Watermelons that are overripe or under-ripe have less water content than a ripe watermelon. As a result, they become less dense and float to the top of the water container.
In contrast, a ripe watermelon has a higher water content, which adds to its density, causing it to sink to the bottom.
Tips for Buying the Sweetest Fresh Watermelons
If you cannot use the sinking method, how can you tell if the watermelon is ripe and ready to enjoy? If you are buying a watermelon at the market, here are the things to look for.
1. Look for Uniformity and Symmetry
When you’re looking for a good watermelon, start by checking its shape. Look for a watermelon that has a uniform shape and is symmetrical. It should not be too round, oblong, or have any bulges or dents.
A uniform shape indicates that the watermelon has grown evenly, which is a good sign that it is ripe and juicy.
2. Check the Color
The color of the watermelon is another factor to consider. A ripe watermelon should have a deep green color with a dull sheen. If there are stripes present, they should be a consistent light or dark green.
Avoid watermelons that have white streaks or a shiny appearance. These signs indicate that the watermelon is not ripe.
3. Look for a Yellow Spot
Watermelons grow on the ground, and as they ripen, they develop a splotch where they rest on the ground. Look for a yellow spot on the watermelon. This spot indicates that the watermelon is ripe and has been on the vine for long enough to be sweet and juicy.
4. Check the Sound
Thump the watermelon and listen for the sound. A good watermelon should have a deep hollow sound, which indicates that it is ripe and juicy. If the sound is dull or flat, the watermelon is underripe or overripe.
5. Pick It up
Finally, pick up the watermelon. A ripe watermelon should feel heavier than it looks. If it feels light, it means that it has not ripened enough. Also, check if there are any soft spots or bruises. A good watermelon should be firm and free of blemishes.
How to Tell if Watermelon Has Gone Bad
Whether a watermelon sinks is not a good indication of whether it has gone bad. Fortunately, there are several signs that indicate a watermelon has gone bad. By using these tips, you will be a watermelon-savvy consumer, able to spot the signs of a bad watermelon a mile away.
1. Look for Physical Damage
One of the first ways to tell if a watermelon has gone bad is by inspecting it for any physical damage. Check for any cracks, cuts, soft spots, and bruises. These injuries can cause the melon to start rotting and attracting bacteria, which can cause mold to grow.
2. Smell It
Another great way to tell if a watermelon has gone bad is by smelling it. Take a whiff of the melon to see if it has any distinct or foul odors. A bad watermelon can have a strong, sour, or rotten smell.
When the watermelon is fresh, it should have a sweet and slightly musky scent to it. If the watermelon smells rancid, then it’s definitely not good to consume.
3. Touch It
Touch can be a great indicator of a watermelon’s freshness. When you touch the skin of the watermelon, it should feel firm to the touch. A ripe watermelon should also sound hollow when tapped. If the melon feels soft or spongy to the touch, it has gone bad.
Additionally, if the skin feels slimy or sticky, it means that bacteria have started to take over the fruit. Picking up the watermelon and investigating it with your hands is a great way to tell if it has gone bad.
4. Look for Mold
Another way to tell if a watermelon has gone bad is by looking for mold. Dark spots, green spots, or other discoloration on the melon are signs that mold has started to form. The mold can cause the flesh to spoil and release a pungent odor.
5. Taste It
Lastly, the most reliable way to tell if a watermelon has gone bad is by tasting it. If it has a foul taste, it is clearly no longer edible. A good watermelon should be juicy and sweet, and if it tastes sour or has a chemical taste, it should be discarded.