
Is Blue Corn On The Cob Edible?

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Corn is an incredibly well-known and versatile ingredient. In fact, it is so essential that it is a staple ingredient in many countries across the globe!

You can make delicious porridges, loaves of bread, baked goods, or simply eat it as-is—the possibilities are seemingly endless!

If you are a big fan of corn and corn products, you may have come across some blue corn.

However, very few people know exactly what it is, how to use it, or whether or not it’s even edible. It’s hard to imagine how such a mesmerizing piece of fruit can go so unnoticed.

Is blue corn on the cob edible? Blue corn, just like any other variety, is completely edible in all of its forms. Raw corn isn’t as appealing, which is why it is commonly cooked or processed to make flour. Blue corn can be a delicious snack or form part of any recipe.

Today, we will look at exactly what blue corn is, how it can be used, and some of the many health benefits that it can have.

Blue Corn On The Cob

Everyone is familiar with yellow (or regular) corn on the cob. It is a readily available ingredient and also very affordable in nearly every corner of the world. But not many people know about other varietals.

Blue corn, also commonly known as Hopi maize or Rio Blue corn, is a close relative of flint corn grown in many parts of the world, but especially Mexico

This corn was originally developed by Southeastern Tribes like the Cherokee, the Hopi, and the Pueblo Indians. Today, it is still a staple ingredient of both Old Mexican and New Mexican cuisines.

As with most products, there are many different varieties of blue corn. Some common ones include traditional Hopi blue corn, Rio Grande Pueblo blue corn, Yoeme Blue, and Tarahumara Maiz Azul.

Each of them varies in size and shade of blue. You can get some corn that only has light hues of blue, while others have a deep and dark blue color. You will also find some having shades of grey and purple.

Is it Edible?

Blue corn on the cob is edible raw, however, just like with regular corn, it won’t necessarily be tasty. But, once the corn has been steamed, boiled, or roasted, its natural sweet flavors develop and the texture softens up considerably.

This makes the corn much more appealing and allows it to be used in a wider variety of ways.

Cooked corn can be eaten as-is or incorporated into salads, salsas, stews, casseroles, and soups. These are only a few categories of dishes they work well in.

Blue corn is also commonly used to make a variety of flatbreads and other dried baked goods. These products are made using ground blue corn, often in a fine flour form.

The most common flatbread using blue corn you can find is blue corn tortillas. Other popular blue corn products include tortilla chips, cereals, baking mixes, and taco shells.

Like we have mentioned, you can also buy blue corn flour. These flours are generally easier to digest because it contains less indigestible starched as compared to regular maize and wheat flours. This makes it great for diabetics.

So, if blue corn is so delicious and undoubtedly edible, why don’t more people use it? Well, this is mainly because blue corn is only available in certain parts of the world.

It is also grown in much smaller quantities, making it scarcer. And more importantly, it is not commonly exported to other countries.

Bottom line, your best bet of seeing or buying fresh blue corn on the cob is to go to a region that grows them!

Blue Corn Nutrition

There is a common saying in the nutritional field that the brighter the food, the more nutrients it contains. We can’t say that we don’t agree. And blue corn is no different!

First and foremost, blue corn is extremely high in natural antioxidants. They are essential to help repair and maintain the cells in your body. Not to mention that they have anti-aging properties as well!

This corn varietal is also low in carbohydrates and sugars. This makes it a fantastic product for diabetics as it won’t affect the body’s sugar levels as drastically.

It also has the potential to help reduce your risk of diseases related to your heart, reduce your risk of cancer, and of developing diabetes.

Other interesting facts about blue corn are that it is higher in protein and lower in starch as compared to other corn varieties, such as white corn.

And finally, blue corn also acts as an anti-inflammatory ingredient and can help manage your blood pressure levels.

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