How to Reheat Jalebi (The Right Way)
Quick Answer
To reheat jalebi properly, avoid regular microwave heating. Instead, use a convection microwave for 15-30 seconds, or submerge in warm sugar syrup for added flavor. Alternatively, gently heat in a thick-bottomed pan over low flame until crispy and golden.
Read on for more detail
Jalebi… If your mouth waters at just reading the name of this extraordinary treat, you’re definitely not alone. Popular especially in the Middle East, Jalebi is crispy, sweet, and full of flavor. You may think that they’re a one-day treat, but they really don’t have to be – we can show you how to reheat them the right way.
Jalebi, when eaten right after being prepared, is deliciously crispy and piping hot. However, if you try to reheat them or eat them cold, they have a tendency to get soggy.
Fortunately, there are many ways to reheat them correctly without losing any of their excellent taste or texture. How to reheat Jalebi, you might ask? Some of the ways this can be done include the microwave, a frying pan, or even just warm sugar syrup.
We truly love Jalebi and we want to share that love with you. Preparing jalebi from scratch can be a little bit time-consuming, so why should you stop yourself from preparing a bigger batch ahead of time and reheating it? You no longer have to. Read our guide to master the art of reheating amazing jalebi.
Reheating Deliciously Crispy Jalebi
One of the hallmarks of this treat is that it’s crispy. Jalebi, when done right, is extremely sweet, slightly sticky, served hot, and crunchy under your teeth. They are loved by entire families and your friends will fall in love with them too. They’re an amazing alternative to traditional doughnuts and will breathe fresh air into your kitchen.
They are prepared by mixing all the ingredients in a bowl until the batter is smooth. Then, the batter is left to sit in a warm and humid place for up to 30 minutes.
Next, the sugar syrup is made—a crucial step, as the syrup makes up for a lot of the unmistakable taste. Lastly, you preheat the cooking oil and finally, you can fry your jalebi.
They’re not the easiest to make, but the process is somewhat similar to making homemade doughnuts. However, jalebi has a unique taste that no other treat can ever replicate.
While preparing them does take a bit of time, the extraordinary taste makes it all worthwhile. It’s good to venture out of your comfort zone if you haven’t tried them yet, and if you have, then we’re sure you know the benefits that delicious jalebi have on your taste buds.
Considering that Jalebi has to be made from scratch, it’s definitely not a process you will be repeating several times a week. But why should you limit yourself to only enjoying your favorite spiral doughnut just once a week or a month? Jalebi, once prepared, can be reheated, and we seriously recommend that you take the time to do so.
You can, of course, eat jalebi cold, but you’ll be missing out on a lot of the taste that you so enjoyed when they were freshly made.
Jalebi are best eaten when they’re hot, and while they have a lot of upsides, there’s one downside – they just don’t taste near as good when they’re cold.
As Jalebi are essentially doughnut cousins, you can compare the issue to a doughnut that begins to get a bit stale. Freshly made doughnuts are delicious and remain delicious for quite some time. Then, they will either get soggy or hard and dry. The issue with Jalebi is similar.
Jalebi has a disadvantage when it comes to being eaten cold. They’re very thin and crispy, so naturally, when they get cold, they grow soggy. This affects their taste a whole lot, but luckily, it can be prevented!
There are several ways to reheat jalebi, and they all have their benefits. You’ll be happy to hear that this process does not take long.
If you’ve prepared a batch of jalebi and have found yourself with leftovers, don’t eat them cold, or worse, throw them out. Store them in a cold, dry place and reheat them later, they’ll taste just as good!
Read on to find out how to reheat your jalebi in just a few quick steps.
How to Reheat Jalebi
- You shouldn’t reheat them in a regular microwave, or they will get soggy. You can reheat in convection microwaves to retain crispiness.
- If you have a standard microwave, you can reheat them for a maximum of 15 seconds before they get soggy.
- Prepare hot sugar syrup and dunk your jalebi in it repeatedly. They will remain crisp, taste even better, and be warm enough to eat.
- Break up the large jalebi and leave smaller pieces intact. Heat them gently on a low flame in a thick-bottomed pan. Turn them over and over until they get nicely browned.
As you can see, there are plenty of ways to restore your jalebi to their former glory. However, only by knowing all the steps will you truly be prepared for reheating jalebi. This is why we prepared a step-by-step guide for you. Check it out below!
Step-by-Step Guide to Reheat Jalebi
You’ve learned of the different methods by which you can reheat Jalebi, but are you truly prepared to make the most of them? There are many nuances and little steps that may add to the taste. For that reason, we recommend that you read our in-depth guide on reheating jalebi in the right way.
Reheating Jalebi Using a Microwave
As mentioned, using the microwave the wrong way may make your jalebi turn out to be soggy or gummy. If you want to avoid that, please follow our steps carefully.
Ideally, you should be using a convection microwave to reheat Jalebi. If you have one, you can just reheat them for up to 30 seconds. For a standard microwave, follow the steps.
- Place your remaining jalebi on a microwave-safe dish, such as a plate.
- Put them in the microwave.
- On high heat, reheat them for about 10-15 seconds.
- After that time, you can check your jalebi.
- If they’re still somewhat cold but also crispy, you can try to microwave them for an additional 10 seconds.
- Be very careful not to overheat them, or they will get soggy.
If you don’t want to use the microwave, you can try an innovative method—preparing warm sugar syrup. Prepare a sugar syrup – it can be the same one you prepared for your jalebi – and heat it up until it’s hot.
Dunk your Jalebi in it one after one, keeping them in for a few seconds at a time. This will restore their crispiness as well as enhance their natural taste.
Reheating Jalebi Using a Thick Bottomed Pan
This method will allow you to not just reheat your jalebi but also add a little more crisp to them. If you have the time to spare, we recommend it.
- Break each jalebi a bit if they’re very large. If not, you can leave them as they are.
- Heat the pieces of jalebi gently on a low flame. Use a thick-bottomed pan for this.
- Keep turning them so that they get nicely browned on both sides.
- Let them cool a bit or eat them right off the pan.
- This method will turn your jalebi crunchy again and it will add an amazing glaze to them too.
These methods ensure that you will be able to impress your friends and family with Jalebi that taste just as good as new. You don’t have to waste time by preparing Jalebi from scratch each and every time—make a huge batch and reap the benefits for a few days!
If, however, you find that you don’t enjoy the taste of reheated Jalebi, all is not lost. You can use your leftover Jalebi to prepare a whole new dish. They can be used in a Jalebi pudding, which is made of sugar, milk, and eggs. Those ingredients are baked with Jalebi added.
The end result is amazing and worth giving a shot. If you feel like it one night, instead of reheating, try to create this jalebi pudding.
Related Questions
If you find yourself with more questions in mind, we’re here to help. Read on below to check out our FAQ.
How Long Can You Store Jalebi for?
This is a difficult question to respond to. The answer depends on you. We’re sure that jalebi can be decent even a few days after first being made, but of course, the sooner you reheat and eat them, the better.
Can You Freeze Jalebi?
You can freeze jalebi dough in resealable freezer bags or air-tight freezer containers. We don’t fully recommend freezing jalebi that has already been cooked because restoring their previous crispy factor will be very difficult. However, the frozen dough can, and will, make amazing jalebi.
Can You Reheat Jalebi in the Oven?
The oven is not an ideal option for reheating jalebi. Your jalebi will soak up all the steam and be soggy beyond repair. Jalebi are like doughnuts – they are best when deep-fried, so reheating them in an oven will not be the perfect solution for maximum taste.